Run the below SQL Script after taking a full back of the database.
declare @AttributeId nvarchar(50), @SolutionId nvarchar(50), @OptionSetId nvarchar(50);
declare AttributeCursor cursor for
select a.AttributeId, a.OptionSetId, e.SolutionId
from Attribute a
join Entity e on a.EntityId = e.EntityId
where (a.PhysicalName = 'leftvoicemail' OR a.PhysicalName = 'isMapiPrivate' OR a.PhysicalName = 'OverriddenCreatedOn')
and a.ismanaged = 0 and e.IsManaged = 1
and e.overwritetime =
--Get the solution ID of the solution which introduced these attributes
select min(overwritetime)
from Entity e2
where e2.EntityId = a.EntityId AND
--Try to get the solution with the lowest overwritetime that is not equal to 0
OverwriteTime <> 0
--If none exist, we know overwritetime = 0 is correct
(OverwriteTime = 0 AND 0 = (SELECT max(overwritetime) from entity e3 where e2.EntityId = e3.EntityId and a.EntityId = e3.EntityId))
open AttributeCursor
fetch next from AttributeCursor
into @AttributeId, @OptionSetId, @SolutionId
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
--Updating AttributePickListValue
update MetadataSchema.AttributePickListValue
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where OptionSetId = @OptionSetId
--Updating LocalizedLabel
update LocalizedLabel
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where ObjectId = @AttributeId
--Updating DependencyNodeBase
update dependencynodebase
set BaseSolutionId = @SolutionId,
TopSolutionId = (select solutionId from Attribute
where AttributeId = @AttributeId
and OverwriteTime = 0)
where ObjectId = @AttributeId
--Updating OptionSet
update MetadataSchema.OptionSet
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where OptionSetId = @OptionSetId
--Updating Attribute
update MetadataSchema.Attribute
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where AttributeId = @AttributeId
fetch next from AttributeCursor
into @AttributeId, @OptionSetId, @SolutionId
CLOSE AttributeCursor;
DEALLOCATE AttributeCursor;
declare @AttributeId nvarchar(50), @SolutionId nvarchar(50), @OptionSetId nvarchar(50);
declare AttributeCursor cursor for
select a.AttributeId, a.OptionSetId, e.SolutionId
from Attribute a
join Entity e on a.EntityId = e.EntityId
where (a.PhysicalName = 'leftvoicemail' OR a.PhysicalName = 'isMapiPrivate' OR a.PhysicalName = 'OverriddenCreatedOn')
and a.ismanaged = 0 and e.IsManaged = 1
and e.overwritetime =
--Get the solution ID of the solution which introduced these attributes
select min(overwritetime)
from Entity e2
where e2.EntityId = a.EntityId AND
--Try to get the solution with the lowest overwritetime that is not equal to 0
OverwriteTime <> 0
--If none exist, we know overwritetime = 0 is correct
(OverwriteTime = 0 AND 0 = (SELECT max(overwritetime) from entity e3 where e2.EntityId = e3.EntityId and a.EntityId = e3.EntityId))
open AttributeCursor
fetch next from AttributeCursor
into @AttributeId, @OptionSetId, @SolutionId
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
--Updating AttributePickListValue
update MetadataSchema.AttributePickListValue
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where OptionSetId = @OptionSetId
--Updating LocalizedLabel
update LocalizedLabel
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where ObjectId = @AttributeId
--Updating DependencyNodeBase
update dependencynodebase
set BaseSolutionId = @SolutionId,
TopSolutionId = (select solutionId from Attribute
where AttributeId = @AttributeId
and OverwriteTime = 0)
where ObjectId = @AttributeId
--Updating OptionSet
update MetadataSchema.OptionSet
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where OptionSetId = @OptionSetId
--Updating Attribute
update MetadataSchema.Attribute
set IsManaged = 1, SolutionId = @SolutionId
where AttributeId = @AttributeId
fetch next from AttributeCursor
into @AttributeId, @OptionSetId, @SolutionId
CLOSE AttributeCursor;
DEALLOCATE AttributeCursor;